ERP Ledger – Core Modules & Key Functions
ERP Ledger key features
Can map to large size Companies and Groups.
Can setup multiple business verticals in single instance
Designed with Security mechanism, users can access their relevant data only
Chart of Accounts structure with 7 segments
Automatic Intercompany Accounting Entries Generation
Every transaction gets accounted automatically
Every module has period control option at company level
Approval workflows enabled for all critical processes. (Amount based & non amount based)
Tax (GST,VAT) compliance with multiple components.
Organization Structure
Business Group will be at higher level. Country wise, business domain wise BG should be defined.
Companies can be defined under Business Group. Company component is used for “Data Security”. For accessing data, an end user will be assigned with companies.
Companies can be mapped to Branches of a business.
Chart of Account structures are defined at company level. Chart of accounts can be shared by multiple companies.
Inventory Organizations are defined under Company.
Inventory Organization is mapped to COA balancing segment (treated as Entity).
Approvals Process
For business critical processes Approval Hierarchies can be configured
Some of the documents having Approval features are
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order
Request For Quotation
Accounts Payable Invoice
Supplier Payments
Petty Cash
Sales Quotation
Journal Voucher
AR Credit Memo
Employee Self Service And more
Documents can be approved by several authorized persons
Users can receive notifications on mobile app. Can approve or reject from mobile app.
Amount based and non-amount based hierarchies can be setup
Accounts Payable
1. AP Invoice
AP Invoices can be entered manually or by matching Purchase Order / Goods Receipt Note
AP Invoice structure consists of 4 components, Header – Lines – Tax Lines – Payment Schedules
If needed Approval Workflow can be enabled for AP Invoice documents.
On payment terms basis “Payment Schedules” will be created.
AP Invoice can be 3 types “Standard Invoice”, “Credit Memo”, “Debit Memo”
During Confirm Action system will generate Accounting entries.
System will generate intercompany accounting entries automatically.
2. AP Payments
Banks can be defined with many details in following structure “Bank - Branch – Bank Accounts”
Following GL Accounts mapping can be done in bank account master, Clearing, Remittance, Bank Charges, PDC, Bank Account etc.
AP Payments has workflow approval process option.
Advance and regular payments can be entered from this screen
PDC (post dated cheques) can be entered and cleared later.
System will send notifications to Payable department with PDC details.
Various payment methods can be defined “Cash”, “Cards”, “Online Transfer”, “PDC” etc
For all payment actions, system will generate appropriate accounting entries.
3. Cash Clearing
From this option un-cleared payments can be cleared. When the amount actually debited from bank, user can reconcile with bank statement.
Any moment Payments can be cleared and un-cleared.
Customer Receipts and Supplier Payments can be remitted from this screen.
During clearing action, Bank charges can be entered.
For all actions accounting entries will be generated automatically.
Fixed Assets
FA Book Master mapped to company
Asset Main Category master consists of GL Account mapping details. Such Asset Account, Retirement Account, Asset Clearing Account, Depreciation Account, Profit, Loss accounts, Accumulated depreciation etc.
Asset Life months are defined at Main Category level
Under main category sub-categories are assigned.
Asset location master is maintained and assigned to assets.
Asset Book wise “Calendar Periods” are maintained
Assets can be entered manually in “Asset Register” screen
Assets can be imported from Accounts Payable module (which can be initiated from Purchasing module)
Depreciation process will automatically calculate amounts and creates accounting entries
System creates accounting entries for asset addition process
FA Retirement can go through workflow approval process
In retirement process system automatically generates appropriate accounting entries and close the Asset.
Petty Cash
Cash purchases can be entered in Petty Cash process
Petty cash locations can be created and managed by operating users
Entries can be entered with “Supplier Name”, “Tax Details”, “TRN Number”
Petty Cash Entry structure has 3 levels data “Header – Lines – Tax Lines”
During confirm action system will generate accounting entries
HR & Payroll
Holidays, Working Days can be defined
In setup screens following data can be entered, Employee Type, Grades, Departments, Jobs, Positions, HR Locations, Elements
In employee master screen very detail information can be entered. Personal information, Employee Qualifications, Experiences, Dependencies, Employee documents and other details.
In Employee elements screen element wise amounts entered.
Grades will be assigned to employees. On these basis employee leaves and self-service process will function.
In case of employee vacation, middle of the month salaries can be processed individually.
Employees can request for Salary Advances and Loans via mobile application.
In Advance and Loans scenarios, System automatically deduct amounts from payroll process.
Through mobile app, employees can request for leaves, certificates, loans, advances and other requirements.
Through element change screen, HR department can do increase or decrease to existing elements of employees. This process has workflow approvals facility.
Via recruitment process, hr department can enter details of proposed employee. Can enter recruitment terms and conditions along with proposed remuneration details.
Recruitment process has Approval Workflow option, so that authorized people can approve the Offer Letters.
Employee End of Service process will do calculations according to gratuity setups, employee leaves position, service days etc.
Employee end of service process has Approval Workflow option, so that authorized people can involve in the final settlement process.
Core Modules
1. Financials
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Fixed Assets
Cash Management
Petty Cash
General Ledger
2. Distribution
Whole Sales
Retail Sales
3. HR Payroll
Human Resources Management
Payroll Process
Employee Self-service Mobile app
Supplier data can be registered with greater details. Any number of Addresses, Contacts and other details can be captured
If required supplier registration can have workflow approval process
Purchase requisition can be entered in 3 levels. Header, Lines and Shipment Locations.
Purchase requisition can be converted to “Request For Quotation” or “Purchase Order”
Purchase Order has got 3 level structure, Header – Lines – Shipments.
Supplier Quotations can be entered against RFQ.
Buyers can send PO, RFQ documents automatically from system.
Receivers can receive Goods/Services from GRN process.
During GRN process inventory stock and cost will be updated.
Partial lines, partial quantity can be entered in GRN transaction.
Item master can be defined with various attributes, such as GL Accounts, Main Category, Sub Category, Fixed Asset Flag, Expense Item Flag, Stock Item Flag etc.
Inventory transactions will be initiated from different processes, like PO-GRN, Wholesale Shipping, Retail Sales, Inventory Adjustments, Petty Cash , Inventory Transactions etc
For stock adjustments process approval workflow option is available.
For inventory auto accounting purpose GL accounts setup options enabled in “Inventory Organization Setups”, “Inventory Category Setups”, “Inventory Transaction Types setup”, “Inventory Item Setup” etc
During receiving process, average costing will takes place.
Item Stock can be stored as “Inventory Organization” – “Warehouse” – “Bin Locations”
For identifying receiving date wise stock, lots option is available.
Every transaction will be accounted automatically and transferred to GL Module.
Accounts Receivable
1. AR Invoice
Customer data can be registered with greater details. Any number of Addresses, Contacts and other details can be captured
AR Invoices can be entered manually or Create from various Processes, such as wholesale, Property Management, Student Management etc.
AR Invoice structure consists of 4 components, Header – Lines – Tax Lines – Payment Schedules
If needed Approval Workflow can be enabled for AR Credit Memos.
On payment terms basis “Payment Schedules” will be created.
During Confirm Action system will generate Accounting entries.
AR Transaction Types setup consists of “Transaction Class” INV/CM/DM/ADVANCE, Receivable, Revenue GL Accounts, Tax details.
Credit Memo and Advance invoice applications can be performed easily.
On Payment schedules basis customer statements and aging reports are designed.
From property management invoices, advance, deposit transactions can be generated automatically from “Sales”, “Lease”, “Sales Transfer”, “Lease Termination” etc. processes
2. AR Receipt
Banks can be defined with many details in following structure “Bank - Branch – Bank Accounts”
Following GL Accounts mapping can be done in bank account master, Clearing, Remittance, Unapplied Receipts, Bank Charges, PDC, Bank Account etc.
Various payment methods can be defined “Cash”, “Cards”, “Online Transfer”, “PDC” etc
After entering Receipts information, it can be applied to open invoices.
PDC receipts can be remitted then cleared in cash clearing process
Receipts can be cancelled, system will generate appropriate accounting entries.
Invoices can be applied and un-applied to a receipt. Accounting will be taken care by system.
Receipts can be manually entered or can be generated automatically from “Property Management” processes, Education Institution Processes and other areas.
General Ledger
Chart of Account Structures can be defined with 7 segments, Labels, Value Sizes and default values.
4th segment is allotted for natural account (Asset/Liability/Owners equity/Expense/Revenue)
In Chart of Accounts Screen segment wise values can be entered.
Inter Company network setups can be done with receivable, payable account details.
From GL Transfer process sub ledgers data can be transferred and posted to General Ledger
Data transferred from sub ledgers can be verified in “Journal Voucher” screen.
Manual journals can be entered in “Journal Voucher” screen. If needed this process can be enabled for workflow approvals.
From “Account Enquiry” screen, account wise period wise entry detail/summary information can be verified.
GL Period control helps in controlling transactions entry by different users.
In Budget master screen Budget name with from, to dates can be setup.
From Budget entry screen account and month wise budget amounts can be entered.
Trial Balance, P&L, BS and many others reports can be generated.
Sales Quotation can be entered with greater details such as Customer, Customer Address, Contact, Payment terms, Approval Hierarchy, Discount Name etc.
Sales Quotation lines can be entered with Item details, Quantity, Price and discount information.
Sales Order can be entered manually or can be converted from Quotation.
At header level of SO, Options like “Price List”, “Discount Name”, “Price Changeable”, “Quantity Changeable”, “Create Group AR Invoice”, “Allow AR Invoice” are available.
SO Line level “Pick from Warehouse”, “Shipped Quantity”, “Invoiced Quantity” can be verified.
Through Enter Shipment screen shipping transactions can be entered.
During shipment process AR invoice can be generated. If “Group AR Invoice” option is enabled invoice can’t be created from “Shipping Screen”. But should be created from “Wholesale Shipment Invoice”
If there are multiple shipments and “Group AR Invoice” is marked in Sales Order Screen, then AR invoice can be created against all shipments. This activity can be performed from “Wholesale Shipment Invoice”.